You'll Never Guess This Free Standing Fireplace Indoor's Benefits

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You'll Never Guess This Free Standing Fireplace Indoor's Benefits

Add a Free Standing Fireplace Indoor to Your Home

Create a contemporary freestanding fireplace to your living space with this wood-look unit. It features a built-in TV stand alone fireplace electric and lots of storage. Convection heating was felt from 7.5 feet away in our Lab tests.

Electric fireplaces that are wall-mounted are easy to install since they do not require ventilation. They only need a standard outlet. Some can even be installed on a wall with a recess to increase their aesthetic appeal.

Product Description

This free-standing fireplace can bring a traditional look to your living space. It features a mantel that is adorned with fluted pilasters and dentil molding on either side. It is a huge piece that measures 4.5 feet tall by 4 feet wide and nearly 18 inches deep. It's a beautiful feature for any room and is sure to become the focal area. This model comes with Dimplex's patented flame-technology, which is one of most realistic fires in the industry.

The fireplace has a remote control that allows you to control the flames and heat with the push of a button. It comes with high and low settings as and Free Standing Electric Fires With Surround a timer that you can set to turn the unit off after nine hours. The firebox is also simple to clean and has an ash drawer that can be removed.

Another advantage of this fireplace is that it does not make use of fans to circulate air, which means it remains cool to the touch. This is perfect for those looking for a decorative fireplace but are worried about the safety of a wood-burning unit. It also has an inbuilt LED light that can be switched on or off with the remote control.

During our testing, this electric fireplace heater generated a dazzling amount of heat for such a small unit. It was able to heat rooms up to 1,000 square feet in size. The CSA-certified Callaway has six heating settings that range from 71°F to 99 degrees Fahrenheit. It also has a timer which can be set to 10 minutes to nine hours.

One drawback of this freestanding fireplace is that it requires you to store a lot of logs. This is not an issue for homeowners with a large garage or backyard however it could be an issue for those with small spaces. The wood needs to be stored in a secure and dry, which might not be the best option for those with busy lifestyles or young children who are prone to smash the logs.

Product Features

A freestanding fireplace indoor is a stylish and functional addition to any home. The electric fireplace plugs directly into the standard outlet, unlike a wood-burning stove. You can alter the flames, heat and other settings with a remote control. Some models come with a built-in thermostat and timer functions.

This fireplace can be placed in any space, without affecting the architecture. This makes it an ideal option for renters as well as anyone who wants to add a fireplace their home but is concerned about altering the layout of the space. You can move the heater to another room once you've used it in your living space like the bedroom.

This fireplace is a great option for any home, but it is especially suitable for smaller spaces like condos and apartments. It occupies a small area and has a sleek look that blends in with almost any decor. The fireplace is also a great choice for wood-burning fire places which require a lot of storage space to store embers and logs.

This model has a realistic log set with flames that can be adjusted to give an authentic appearance. It comes with a mantel and the necessary hardware to install. It can warm a room as large as 1,000 square feet, and the heating element can be turned off as a decorative feature only. The unit is CSA certified and comes with a remote control. The heater is not equipped with an overheat or tip-over protection.

The fireplace can be utilized in any room of the house, as it is safe to use. This fireplace is ideal for rooms that require additional warmth, and can also be used during the summer months. Anyone with an Alexa device will appreciate this option, since they can connect it to these outlets and control them with voice commands.

Product Benefits

Free standing fireplaces are perfect for homes that cannot accommodate gas or traditional fireplaces because they do not require brick walls or chimneys. In addition they don't require ventilation as you only require an electric power outlet.

They are simple to maintain since they don't emit soot, smoke or ash. These units are safer than wood-burning ones that can release dangerous fumes if they are not used correctly.



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